
It has been a few weeks since we last posted a blog, but in that time we have had made some more progress in terms of expanding our baseline and working towards a product that we can present to the fans.

During our weekly meeting, which takes place on Saturdays, Paul was able to give us a layout for the different scenes and menu items that will be featured in the game. I remember our team having a conversation about this over a year ago about how this would be beneficial to the layout of the game. Little did we know that it would take this year to get everything in order and establish a baseline for all of the things that we want to have featured in a demo for the Travellers. This was a huge step in our creative process, and lets us know that we are still on the right track. These steps may not be obvious to our followers, but as a small team we can come away from this feeling like there has been a victory.

As well as working on the layout of scenes and menu items, Paul has been working hard to construct some of the ships that will be seen in the game. Many of these have been featured on our Facebook page and website, but those were only the exteriors. He has now been able to work with the layout of the interior of some of the ships, mainly the Broadsword. This interior will not be featured in the first demo, but is essential in learning how to have the interior of the ship function with a character controller while still staying true to the exterior dimensions.

Dan has continued work on the player controller and its animations. Camera angles are also a huge part of this control, and he has learned that no two are alike. The camera is essential in helping the player to achieve the feel of the game, so a good amount of research has been done to do just that. As the development continues, he will work with a minimal amount of AI in the form of enemies in order to test shooting and trigger lines for the AI itself.

Mike has continued to work in Blender, and is currently working on a universal jumpsuit that a Traveller would be wearing. There have been some bumps in the road but he is on the right track to be able to get a model dressed, rigged, and be able to function in Unity. The development pipeline is something the whole team has had to get used to, and Mike has basically been the test subject for this procedure. He has been jumping from Blender to Unity, GIMP, MakeHuman, and other programs in between. His knack for learning new software is always a benefit to the project as priorities seem to change on a weekly basis.

Mark has been intrigued with our latest developments, and is working hard to make sure that all pieces of the puzzle will fit into a network framework and database. He has also been working with AI in regards to flying and other types of objects that will be found within the game.

Keep an eye on our Facebook for some new pictures that may include some terrain, ships, and other items that we will have in our demos. While this is still a little bit off as far as time, we believe that we are getting closer every day to presenting our fans with something unique and fun. We will also be adding SoundCloud tracks at least once a month to continue to immerse you in Traveller MMORPG.

If you enjoy these blogs, please let others know what we are up to. We have steadily added fans each week, and the more shares from our existing fans, the better!