
Most of the blogs I have written so far for our website and Facebook page have been updates about what the team has been up to. I would like to use this blog to tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Dan, I am 31 years old, and I graduated with a degree in Accounting in 2011. Mike, our Creative Director, is my best friend. I met our founder, Paul, through work and have known him a little less than 4 years. I remember our first conversation talked about how modern-day cell phones reminded him of phasers from Star Trek. As I got to know Paul, I soon learned that he had a mind for large projects but also had a great attention to detail. Ever since I was young, I was always good with details. I was able to (and still can) point out inconsistencies in movie scenes, notice that a detail has changed in the outside world, etc. This has always fascinated me.

Anyway, about 5 years ago I was talking to Mike and he asked, “what is your dream job?” Without hesitation, I responded “I want to be part of a startup team, whether or not the idea was mine, and start from the ground up.” He was a bit puzzled and wondered why I would not want the idea to be mine. Mike always has these great ideas, which led him eventually to join LGS and become the Creative Director. However, I believed (and still do) that execution of an idea, no matter whose it may be, will allow that idea to flourish.

About 3 years later, everything came together to realize that this could happen. It has not been easy by any stretch of the imagination. As the followers of this blog know, we are still working… slowly… at getting all our ideas for Traveller MMORPG out into the world for the fans to see. It is easy to say that you can just be part of a startup team, but a lot more difficult to find your role in that team as well as keep the entire project on track.

Even through I graduated with a degree in Accounting, I was always fascinated by the way things worked. I love the process of anything. When it came time to pick my college major, I decided on Accounting not so much because I liked numbers, but I realized that an Accounting Department is something that can make or break a business. It is the heartbeat of the operations and can be adjusted accordingly as it relates to the businesses’ overall goals.

When Paul came to me with idea for Traveller MMORPG in late September 2017, it was something I was instantly fascinated with. The concept itself is unique and the way it is presented does not have the feeling of a run-of-the-mill video game that so many are playing today. I will be honest- I never heard of Traveller before then. After getting some of the background information, I was amazed that there were only a few attempts at trying to use the Traveller history as part of a larger MMORPG.

In November of 2017 we started to hold meeting in my dining room, a place where they are still held today. Hearing the history and the future has me nothing less than intrigued. I realize this blog is starting to ramble, so I will wrap it up for now. In future blogs, I will keep our fans updated with our progress as we go along, but I also want to keep talking personally about what this project means to me. Next time, I will talk a little bit about my process to establishing a baseline, and how success is not something that comes overnight.

Until then, keep looking for updates, and start to spread the word about our project. This is truly the beginning of something great.